Liverpool Royal Signals Presentation
2nd April 2013
On Tuesday the 2nd of April 2013 the PGM Peter Connolly presented a cheque for £1200,00 to the chairman of the Liverpool branch of the Royal Signals association W.Bro. B. Taylor. The money was raised on Remembrance Sunday 2012 at Garston Masonic hall organized by W. Bro. D. Horrocks. The sum raised was matched by the West Lancs Mark Charities.
The PGM then presented a certificate for fifty years of service to the Royal Signals to an old school pal Chris Dennis whom he had not seen for forty years or more. It was a great surprise for Chris, he was unaware that the PGM would be there. The PGM, a former captain in the Royal Signals TAVR, and Chris served together for several years.
Accompanying the PGM was his lovely wife Lynne and W. Bro. Colin Svenson whose idea it was to give the donation to the Royal Signals Benevolent fund.  A good night was had by all; the PGM was enjoying himself so much that he joined the Liverpool Branch of the Royal Signals Association that very night.  
Article and Photographs Courtesy of W.Bro. Colin Svenson P.Prov.G.J.W.